Contact us

Start your wellness journey with Higher Vibe Wellness by reaching out to us through our intake form. Whether you’re eager to delve into the details of our products and services or ready to initiate a transformative consultation, our user-friendly form below is your gateway to holistic well-being.

For those seeking a personalized consultation, kindly provide relevant, nonpersonal information about your specific needs, preferences, and any particular areas of focus. Our dedicated Practitioner will promptly connect with you and send any needed onboarding forms,
schedule your appointment and start to create a wellness plan that aligns with your aspirations.

Let us guide you towards balance and vibrancy- fill out the form and let the journey to your best
self begin! Our commitment is to complement your well-being journey, recognizing that these
services are designed to support, not rep e, professional medical advice or treatment.

Brittany Bennett

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